How to write a data frame to excel without row names in R?

Got a question today about how to write a data frame to Excel without rownames. Seasoned R vets probably don’t even blink at this, but it’s the type of thing that I think a lot of new users struggle to overcome.

Anyhow, here are my quick and simple solutions:

The easiest is to write this to a CSV file, which will open in excel. You can use the following code to do this:

# Install/load the readr package

# Write out the file
write_csv(, “mytable.csv”)

Once again the tidyverse comes to the rescue. write_csv from the readr package never writes row names to the output file!

Alternatively you could write directly to an excel document using XLConnect. This code would look more like the following:

# Install/load the XLConnect package
    install.packages("XLConnect ")

# Create an output workbook
wb <- loadWorkbook(“myfile.xlsx”, create=TRUE)

# Create a sheet named results in the new workbook
createSheet(wb, ‘results’)

# Write your table to the sheet
writeWorksheet(wb,, ‘results’)

# Save the file

There you have it, pretty easy once you know the tools. Keep being awesome!